Forum Lecture - American Evangelicalism and African Christianities: A cautionary tale of Theo-political exceptionalism

I was very grateful to deliver the 'Stellenbosch Unviersity Forum Lecture' on the 26th of March 2022.
This is the second time that I have been asked to deliver this prestigious lecture. I was very grateful to do so.
The topic of my lecture was 'A critical consideration of the relationship between African Christianities and American Evangelicalism: A cautionary tale of theo-political exceptionalism?' It is based on an article that I had published in the South African Baptist Journal of Theology that you can read here.
Thanks for your interest. While I feel, that by an large Christianity has made a positive contribution towards the care of persons in fields such as education, health care, political advocacy, and human rights, I do also think that it is important for us to name the ways in which religion in any form is harmful or dangerous.
I would love to hear your feedback or ideas on this topic!
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