No more 'blogger tags'... That's been the problem

Well, friends, I am pleased to say that I have discovered what has been SLOWING my blog down to a crawl (no, it's not the content! Although that has been known to put some to sleep!)
Rather, it is those pesky 'blogger tags'. They are useful little critters, they let the blog contributors organise their thoughts, ideas, and posts into categories. So, if a reader finds a post interesting and wishes to read all posts on that subject she, or he, simply clicks on the tag and a page will come up listing any posts that were tagged with that subject.
It's a great idea! But, like so many great ideas it has been very poorly implemented! When you have a blog the size of mine, each time to add (or add to) a tag it has to republish the entire tags database! Now when that is an internal transaction on the blogger servers (for those who's blogs are hosted on the domain, that's you) it doesn't take to too long. However, if like me you host your blog on your own domain it can take well over an hour to post a single blog entry!!!!
So, this is the end of blogger tags on my blog! In future, I'm afraid that it will take a little more work to find related posts... You will need to use the Search Bar on the top left of the page...
So for example if you want to see all my posts with the word "Vespa" in them you will need to type that into the seach bar and hit return!
R.I.P. blogger tags.... You did not serve me well...
Reader Comments (2)
Alas, that means it might be harder to find your posts on Technorati.
Hi Steve,
I'll still be doing technorati tags (those are quite easy - I simply insert the HTML myself).
However, it is just the blogger tags that I'll be leaving out... Do you know if those automatically relate to Technorati?
Thanks for looking in!