New name for Creationsists... 'New term for creationists: 'cdesign proponentsists'

I call it majoring in minors... You know, like when one gets close to the end of an academic year - the pressure is on, tempers are running high, and students don't have much grace for one another. And so, instead of doing what they should be doing (studying for their final exams), they find things to fight about! They end up missing the mark because they're majoring in minors.
I think the creation / evolution debate is one of those... We have so many bright, creative, committed Christians (from both camps) who are alienated from each other, whose energy and time is dissipated, and their attention is diverted from what really matters (that God loves the world, that God desires for us to be agents of change and renewal in the world etc...)
Anyway, here's an interesting post on a new controversy in the 'creationist' camp:
MAKE senior editor Phillip Torrone reviewed NOVA's Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial.
LinkWhen the advocates of Intelligent Design during the trial said that the book "Of Pandas and People" had nothing to do with creationism, they lied; it turned out the original drafts were all about Creationism. After the drafts were subpoenaed (thousand of pages) it was discovered that a simple search and replace was used to change the text from creationism wording to something, well, less creationism sounding. It was changed because the Supreme Court in 1987 ruled it was unconstitutional to teach creationism in public schools. When I say "search and replace" I really mean they found examples of where the words didn’t exactly get changed enough. You can see it here...
Wherever the word "creationists" appeared it was replaced with "cdesign" "proponentsists" - that’s merely creationists without the "reation" and with "design" and "proponents" replaced in.
Another example of sincere people missing the point...
Technorati tags: creationist, evolution, controversy
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