Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis

Our friends in the United Nations Development Program put toget a wonderful report entitled 'Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis' a while ago.
In this report they show that there are varying levels in which the access to water impacts upon the poor.
First is the issue of access (scarcity). If one cannot get water, a most basic of needs, you will suffer a great deal. Not only can you not meet the basic needs of your body, to hydrate yourself. It also denies your human dignity. You cannot clean yourself.
Second, this report highlights that it is not only access to water that impacts the poor, it is also the way in which the water is delivered that can compound the suffering of the poor. In the report they highlight how frequently the delivery mechanisms pollute the scarce water that is so desperately needed. When the water is polluted and consumed it causes disease that quickly leads to people dying, since the poor seldom have access to basic health care.
I would encourage you to watch the video below. It is well done, very informative and can be a great source of information to direct your prayers and Christian response to the issue of poverty.
As a Christian what could you do, and pray, to see this situation changed where you live? How about praying, or acting, on behalf of Christians in other parts of the world (such as India, Nigeria, or Rio)?
You can join 100 million other Christians who are adding their voices to show God's love for the poor, and God's desire to transform those who are caught in corruption - sing up for 'EXPOSED - Shining a light on corruption' at