Dear friends,
Megan and I wanted to write something to explain what is happening with Courtney's health. Rumors tend to fly thick and fast. We would rather that our friends know the truth, and in doing so hold Courts, Liam and the two of us in prayer.
What has happened so far.
On Sunday the 5th of September Courts woke up with a very swollen right eye. She had a bad cold the week before. Megie took her to our doctor - he later admitted her to hospital. Essentially it seems that an infection had spread into her sinuses and when she was blowing her nose it spread behind the right eye which caused her eye and face to swell up.
On Monday the 6th of September, after spending the night in hospital, Courtney went for an MRI scan to ascertain exactly where the infection behind her eye was, and if there was any damage to the lining of the ocular cavity that would need surgical repair, or if there was an abscess that would need to be drained.
While examining the MRI our doctor discovered a tumor of about 2.5cm in height, and 1.5cm in breadth in the fourth cerebral ventricle of Court's brain.
A few requests from our side.
Naturally this comes as a great shock to all of us. Here's what we would like to ask of you.
1. Please pray for Courtney. Naturally we are asking for God to heal her completely. We believe God is able to this in many wonderful ways. We are blessed with a wonderful team of doctors, but please pray specifically for our neurosurgeon. 2. Tomorrow (8 September 2010) we will share the news with Courtney as we meet with the neurosurgeon again. Cancer can be a very scary thing for a little girl! We have told Courtney that the doctor has discovered the reason why she has been getting headaches and been a little 'clumsy' over the last while. 3. Please silence any rumors that you may hear about Courtney's condition. We know that she will receive the best treatment possible and that she will be completely well. We are trusting God to use every means at His disposal to work this wonderful miracle! We are taking the journey one step at a time. First the infection in her eye needs to settle so that she can have the brain surgery. Then once the surgery is done we will know what kind of tumor she has and can decide how to proceed with treatment from there.
Please pray that she will be shielded from fear and that Megan and I will have all the wisdom, love and courage that we need to support her, Liam and one another.
The way ahead (as we see it today).
As of today Courts is in hospital receiving antibiotics and cortisone to clear the infection in her eye. She cannot have the surgery for the tumor until the doctor is certain that there will be no cross infection. Her eye is looking so much better today and so our neurosurgeon has scheduled to meet with the three of us tomorrow morning at 9am and then to do the surgery on the 15th of September.
Naturally an oncologist will do tests to determine what further treatment is necessary (if any). It is difficult to say what that treatment will involve. It may be that the surgery is enough, it may be that she needs radiation treatment or something else.
God's faithfulness.
We are so grateful for God's abundant mercy and grace. We know that we are experiencing what Romans 8.28 says, "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him". If Courtney did not have a cold, and did not pick up the infection behind her eye (as painful as it is), she would never have gone for the MRI and we may only have discovered this tumor too late.
Now, we have a great sense of God's love and peace. An abiding scripture over the last few days has been Lamentations 3:21-25 which says:
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for him". The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him..."
Thank you for your friendship and care! Please remember to pray for Courtney and for us. I'm afraid that we don't have the time to return all the calls and text messages we receive, please do feel free to leave any messages here and we will make sure to share them with Courts at the appropriate time.
God bless,
Dion, Megan, Courtney and Liam