Nelson Mandela and the Methodists Italian TV documentary
Below is a copy of the documentary on Nelson Mandela and his Church, the Methodist Church of Southern Africa that was produced and shot by my friend Paolo Emilio Landi.
You will see our Presiding Bishop (Zipho Siwa), my Bishop (Michel Hansrod), my close friends Revds Kevin Needham, Andre Butner, as well as my mentor and friend, Bishop Peter Storey and my friend Alan Storey (among others) in the documentary. I also get to say a few words - this documentary follows the connection between Nelson Mandela and the Methodist Church of South Africa. In part it is based on the research that I conducted in 2014 on Nelson Mandela's faith biography.
My little piece was filmed in our University Library at Stellenbosch late last year. It is so great to see this story told. I am so grateful to Paulo and his team for putting it together.
You can read 'Mandela and the Methodists' which I wrote last year and was published in the journal of South African Church History here:
A 25 anni dalla scarcerazione da Victor Verster, ripercorriamo alcuni aspetti meno noti della vita del grande leader Sudafricano, Nelson Mandela, L’uomo, che guidato dalla sua fede, protestante e metodista seppe gestire l’apartheid e la nascita della nuova democrazia in Sud Africa. Uno tra gli uomini più amati e celebrati del XX secolo.
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