Today Dr Frank Chikane spoke at the
Stellenbosch University winter school today - it was inspiring, challenging and a wonderful reminder of the task of the Christian leader in the world.
Dr Chikane is a former cadre who fought for justice and faced great personal threat in undoing the evil of apartheid in South Africa through his ministry and life. He was frequently detained by the security police, jailed, banned, threatened, and even poisoned (almost dying as a result). He was expelled from his denomination, yet he remained a faithful Christ follower seeking justice for all because of his faith. He was not a politician, rather he entered the political arena for the sake of seeing the will and ways of Jesus established in society. The will of God superseded all else in his life, his politics, his church, and his own safety and comfort.
Today as Dr Bruce Theron introduced him he reminded us that while Dr Chikane was in solitary confinement, and was frequently jailed over more than a decade, he read the Bible more than 900 times and always remained prayerful to know what God wanted him to do with his energy, influence, relationships and ability in the world. It was discernment and deep faith that informed his courageous Christian witness and action.
I was deeply encouraged and moved by his story.
Reader Comments (1)
Those of us who portray a Spirit of Goodwill can identify with Dr Frank Chikane's Ministry of Just Living.
There are many evils roaming the World. The only Way to separate ourselves from them and to maintain Victory over them, is to actively embrace The Spirit of Life and Love and Creative Power.
Transferring from Ego into Spirit requires from us to actively enter into Divine Reality.
The only Door into that Realtiy is the God-Man to whom all Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given (Mt 28:18 - NIV), Jesus Christ.
Without universal spiritual regeneration, a manifestation of sustained Harmonious Living and Working is not possible.