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A gentle reminder... We need one another.

In my recent role I have a great deal of interaction with persons who operate in the charismata - the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  I personally believe that God does still interact with humans, and that frequently that interaction does take on, what seems to us at least, as extraordinary means (of course for God all means of interaction with humanity is 'normal').  However, I regard with equal care and respect the person who through careful discernment and meticulous care (both in searching the scriptures, and in relying upon the wisdom, counsel and advice of the the Christian community) comes to the point of believing that they may have received some for of revelation from God.  Some would call these 'words of knowledge' or 'prophecies'.  I say that I regard this persons with equal respect, since for years I have considered very carefully those leaders in the Christian faith who have helped me to chart my path along life's journey by making equally prophetic choices as God has enabled them to see beyond what is common to most persons (I think of leaders such as Peter Storey, Paul Verryn, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Bishop Stanely Magoba). All of these persons were endowed, by virtue of their faith (even they would claim), with an ability to see beyond the political reality to a possible future.  And so, they spoke with conviction and certainty of how they related their understanding of the Christian scriptures, and their understanding of the convictions that had come to them through prayer and meditation, and they encouraged us to make bold choices about how we live our lives!

At times these choices would win the scorn of society (since they were so different from the norm).  However, I am convinced that it is because of the sacrifices of many of those that we have greater freedom and liberty in South Africa today!

Perhaps both of these Christian 'groups', coming from vastly different positions on the theological continuum are operating 'prophetically'  

You see, at the end of the day, when we read the Christian Scriptures, the most common form of operation within the prophetic office (which we shall find in the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament) was some kind of a mix between faith, mystical revelation and an ability to understand and study 'the times' (the economy, politics, morality, and even the climate of the time).  Having weighed up all these factors and sought direction from God through the Holy Spirit, as well as the counsel and support of others, they spoke and acted.

I have no problem with that kind of rigorous spiritual activity!  To me it speaks of a great commitment to God, and a since and significant commitment to this world!  Such spirituality can transform both individuals and society!

However, I have more recently been exposed to a flippancy and abuse of the 'prophetic' office (I do not call it a gift).  The prayer movement that I serve works with people from all theological persuasions, all kinds of Churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Reformed, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Liberal, Conservative... the whole host!).  However, there are always one or two persons at most gatherings who begin just about every sentence with the words "God says..."  when I hear that, the hair on the back of my neck stands up!  Frequently what follows after those words "God says..." is filled with self interest, a bias for one group over another (I have heard persons saying that God favours one nation over others, that God favours one denomination over others, even that God favours one minister and his ministry over the ministry of another)!

I try my best not to judge such things unfairly, but I think that we take this prophetic responsibility too lightly!

I am not a prophet - if anything, my current role is that of a servant.  So, if you are a prophet and can offer me some insight, or can show me where I have it wrong, or if you are a student of the scriptures or a formally trained theologian who can give me some help or insight, I would greatly appreciate it.

Where did this post start?  It started with this quote:

As one country does not bear all things, that there may be a commerce, so neither has God opened, nor will open, all to one, that there may be a traffic in knowledge between the servants of God, for the planting both of love and humility. George Herbert, English priest and poet (1593-1633)

How true!  If ever we are looking for the truth let us first turn to God, and then once we think we have heard, let us turn to God's servants.  I think that knowledge is something that is discovered in faithful community!  I tend to hear far too many 'prophets' who think they are the ONLY ones who have the WHOLE truth!

Reader Comments (1)

Your hair standing on end is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, usually referred to as "discerning of spirits".

In the Orthodox Church we have a word for such phenomena, prelest in Russian or plani in Greek, which means something like "spiritual delusion".

And if anyone has a "ministry" with their name tacked on the front of it, (as in "Joe Soap Ministries"), I take it as prima facie evidence that they are spiritual charlatans.

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hayes

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