True life in Christ... Or, the Church of the 'living dead'

So, be honest, many of us struggle to find true blessing and life through the Church! The first thing I want to say about this is that we need to avoid the simplistic perspective of blaming our pastor, elders, or leaders! True life in Christ (and so true life in the Church) has as much to do with you, and your relationship with Christ, as it has to do with any leader, institution, or even style of worship!
This is the third program in a series on ministry and the Churches of Revelation – today’s title is ‘Do you want to be more than just the ‘living dead’? True life in Christ’. We look at some of the mistakes that the Church at Sardis made that robed them of their joy and true life in Christ. Like so many people today, they looked good on the outside to judge the 'life' of their faith and Church, but their inner lives left a lot to be desired! You can download the program here (6MB mp3).
As always, I would love to hear your feedback. Please also consider voting for 'The Ministry and Me' at the Radio Pulpit website.
Reader Comments (1)
My concerns is about how our churches express the inner life we should have with Christ. But more than that it has to do with me! Today’s modern churches are concerned to bring in the people. New people make commitments and some hold hands, but do they really know the Jesus that walked amongst the people of Nazareth and Galilee. Do they get to feel what it is like to reach out to the people in an informal settlement, sit with them, hear their stories, pray with them and so cross this divide we have. Hand out some food on a cold Christmas evening in a place like Hillbrow, reach out to a Bushman that discovers the God he knows as the creator. Visit a man of peace in a settlement and grow a little preaching place. Work in a soup kitchen that serves the poor. Start a car wash to help the workless, share the gospel with a man in prison. That is how we learn the gospel. That is what truly holding hands with Jesus is about, the True life in Christ.