Life, love and everything else

I am currently reading a remarkable book entitled 'The poisonwood Bible' by Barbara Kingsolver (see the wiki article here: ).
It is such a challenging and moving story of missiological endeavor in Africa - it is brutally honest. It reminds me of the good intentions of the missionaries, but also just how destructive inappropriate and contextually irrelevant models of sharing Christ's grace can be... I am constantly challenged by this!
This last week I spoke on a local radio station about the book 'the shack' (see the post a few below this one on my blog). I have been somewhat surprised by the passionate reaction I've received to my comments and input. Some folks have been passionately positive. I've had emails expressing an appreciation for the 'space' that I opened up for thought, fresh images of faith, and the new vocabulary I've encouraged persons to develop for their belief. But, I have had equally passionate condemnation from persons who seem to care much more about their doctrinal position than they do about a fellow follower of the Prince of Peace! I had one particular person who assured me that I was going to burn in the fires of hell... I tried to contact him to ask if we could meet one another (I do care more about relationships than religion - when I read the New Testament I can see this was the 'way of Jesus'). I recognise two things about myself. First, I certainly don't have all the answers (and I have a great deal to learn from other persons). Second, I love people (because God loves people). And so, I am always happy to engage with people - even those who don't like what I profess. Somehow I feel more secure in asking questions than in giving answers.
St Anselm was the one who characterised theology as 'fides quaerens intellectum' (faith seeking understanding) - somehow I feel that when we stop seeking we loose our way!
Anyway, I was inspired by this little quote:
Watch how you live. Your lives may be the only gospel your sisters and brothers will ever read.
- Dom Helder Camara,
former Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, Brazil.
- Dom Helder Camara,
former Archbishop of Olinda and Recife, Brazil.
May you be blessed, may you find blessing, and may Christ strengthen you to bless others!
Reader Comments (1)
Yes, I read The poisonwood bible a couple of times, and thought it would be good reading for missiology students.