Purpose and peace... A reflection

One of the very common questions that I am presented with (and particularly more so since my office is now located in a corporate office block and no longer on a Church campus) is the question of purpose.
So many people struggle to find the reason for their being! I think that part of the answer to this question is in the asking of it (and perhaps not so much in the answers that people like myself try to give)... However, that being said, I do feel that there is a certain measure of blessing and satisfaction in finding what it is that you're well suited to. Some would suggest that this is a matter of temperament, others would say that it is the influence of socialisation... I would agree with both of those statements up to a point. However, I would add the notion that the God who lovingly and carefully created every aspect of the created universe has placed within each one of us certain abilities and desires - when these find their fit, we are able to bless God who so carefully formed us, and of course in doing so we share in God's joy and so discover blessing.
Here's a video that I recorded a few days ago in which I explore a few of these concepts. In it I weave together a few insights from two narratives in the Bible (one from Paul and one from a parable of Jesus). And, as always, I thought of my Pastor (Rev Steven Lottering) as I filmed this... He worries about me driving and filming at the same time! Thanks Steve! It is great to be loved ;-)
I would love to hear your feedback, wisdom and insights.
Reader Comments (1)
Hey D, well im here in Dubai.. how facinating.. a thought that struck me this morning, one that i have had before, but was reminding when i was listening to a teaching by Dereck Prince...He was describing "sin as a failure to fulfill the purpose that God has created for you." In reflection of this it seems rather obvious and possibly logical,that because sin is ultimately sepration from God... finding or purpose or knowing or TRUE purpose is hindered by selfishness or unconfesses sin? what would your response be to this... Often we base our identity on what is around (our environmental/social drivers that define us) although this definately plays a role, maybe the way things are intended to be are inherently different and why people to struggle to find there purpose is ultimately linked with the state of our soul and our sin. Will mail you soon..