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When homelessness meets high tech - it's a sign of the times alright!

I can recall a time when a person with good computers skills was an asset to society. Back in the early 1990's I used to teach computer literacy classes to the cleaning staff at Rhodes University - it was a deliberate act to subvert the fairly rigid promotion options for the predominantly black unskilled cleaners at the University (in return I was taught Xhosa). It was a wortwhile exchange!

Now, however, persons with exceptional computer skills are a dime a dozen... In fact most 8 year olds can decode a 128 bit encryption key in less than two minutes, set up a high powered Unix apache server, and find that lost database entry that is causing your year end report to get stuck somewhere in the SQL server...

I feel that my _geek_ is under threat... There are just too many _geeks_ on the planet...

Yes, I'll admit the reason that Eskom is cutting power is because I've been praying that those little 1337 h@xors (that is 'leet speak' for 'elite hackers') will have less net time and more 'lights out' time...

Anyway, it was just a matter of time before something like THIS (see left) was to happen...

Show off! [Nice hair though...]

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