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A healthy knee [sans stitches]

I'm waitng at the hospital for yet ANOTHER course of antibiotics! The specialist checked the infection in the ankle and feels quite positive that we'll have it all fixed up after course number 4 of the old 'anti-biotics'. Let's pray!

At least some of the stitches are out (in the knee and ankle), some will come out next week. So, I'm on the mend!

Thanks for all the care and prayers!

PS they started the repairs on my Vespa yesterday so I should have her back long before I can ride! And, the local Apple iStore phoned to say that I can make a turn to get my replacement Macbook Pro! How's that for swift service from my insurance (well done Alexander Forbes!)

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Reader Comments (5)

Wow! I expected it would be in a plaster cast from hip to toe!

February 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Hayes

Hi Dion

Thanks for your kind words (as always), and it's good to hear that your life is beginning to return to some sense of normality.

After my "yield to temptation" this past Monday, I managed to return to a more disciplined state and crank out the assignment, which I handed in to Faith yesterday. I must say that writing 1500 words on tax is a LOT easier than doing this assignment was, but it was a good exercise and I enjoyed reading the books as well.

So now it's just my 2nd trial service (which I believe is in Soweto, but this has not yet been confirmed - I hope that I don't mispronounce the Xhosa liturgy so badly that the congregation thinks I am swearing at them), and then it's onto Synod!

I take your point about having balance in one's life, and as I reported in a previous post, tomorrow is my "Day Off" - the first Saturday in 2008 where there have been no meetings involving me - and my 9-year-old son has already planned a "Boys' Day" that I'm unlikely to forget for a long time.

Thanks once again for your prayers - it's been quite a journey, and this just to get to the starting line, but I am SO looking forward to starting Phase One next year (Lord willing).


February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven Jones

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February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndy

Low Cost Hip Replacement, Birmingham Hip Resurfacing
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February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndy

Mmmmmm.... How many readers think that Andy is a REAL person who is wanting to offer me a cheap hip replacement... OR cheap spinal surgery....

Somehow I think not!

I'm not going to delete these comments YET.. Let's first see if the 'spam factor' gains speed.

Thanks Andy! Nice to know your spam bot is thinking of my recovery (even if your 'targeted' adds are targeted at the wrong parts of my body!)

February 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdigitaldion (Dion Forster)

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