A 25th Anniversary worth remembering

This is a 25th Anniversary that is worth remembering. Did anybody else out there have a Commodore 64? With that clunky tape drive... You would spend hours programming a game in on basic, then come to 'save it to tape' and something would go wrong with your tape recorder... In those days if you wanted to 'pirate' a game you needed a tape to tape recorder .... Ahhhh those where the days.
Here's the story from CNN.
Like a first love or a first car, a first computer can hold a special place in people's hearts. For millions of kids who grew up in the 1980s, that first computer was the Commodore 64. Twenty-five years later, that first brush with computer addiction is as strong as ever.
Millions of Commodore 64s were sold in the 1980s.
"There was something magical about the C64," says Andreas Wallstrom of Stockholm, Sweden.
He remembers the day he first laid eyes on his machine back in 1984.
"My father brought it home together with a tape deck, a disk drive, a printer, and a couple of games...I used to sneak home during lunch to play [on it] with my friends." read more here....

Technorati tags: Commodore 64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, phreak, retro gamer
Reader Comments (2)
To play ZX Spectrum games just like the old days go to http://www.zxspectrum.net" REL="nofollow">www.zxspectrum.net
I still regularly use my 64... Life just wouldn't have been the same without it :(