Spirituality podcast 14 - 5 September 2006 - scast14.mp3 (4.5MB) "Leadership in ministry / Working with volunteers"

This second podcast is in the form of a Radio broadcast that the Revd Christopher Harrison (senior minister of the Bryanston Methodist Church), Dr Derek Verrier (a lay Methodist with a Doctorate in leadership) and I recorded for a Christian radio station in South Africa called 'Radio Pulpit'
Click here for this podcast (4.5MB). I have had to host this file off site (I am experiencing bandwidth shortages), so if you have problems accessing the file please email me and I will try to sort it out.
This broadcasat deals with the subjects of developing your leadership ability and working with volunteers.
This show forms one of ten broadcasts that we have recorded entitled 'The ministry and me'. They are aimed at helping lay and ordained ministers to be more effective in their ministry.
We have just been asked to do another 10 shows. If time permits we hope to record these over the next two months.
This current series of broadcasts are still airing on Radio pulpit (you can either listen via streaming audio from their website http://www.radiopulpit.co.za, or you can tune in to 657Khz on AM Radio, or you can tune in your DSTV decoder (find instructions on the Radio Pulpit website).
To download the MP3 audio file click here.
Reader Comments (5)
please! I neeed word verification in order to make meaningful comments!!!!
This is fantastic stuff - thank you for sharing it!
How do you get so many red dots on your visitor's map? Did you hack the site and dotted them yourself? In that case, you forgot about central Africa and Russia. Blessings
It is very weird listening to your lovely accent uncle Doc.
nice one
A refined accent like mine comes from living in the far east (i.e. Boksburg or beyond) for at least 5 years.
It is not something that one can learn... It is acquired mainly through neglect of the English language ;-)