Dion A. Forster - D.Th (SA); Ph.D (Radboud)
Dion A. Forster serves as Professor of Public Theology in the Faculty of Religion and Theology at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
He is an Extraordinary Full Professor in the Department of Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at Stellenbosch University.
Dion holds two doctoral degrees. A PhD in Systematic Theology (D.Th, SA, 2006) and a second PhD in New Testament studies and Empirical Theology (Ph.D, Radboud University, Holland, 2017).
Dion is a Rated researcher with the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. He is a Research Fellow at Wesley House, University of Cambridge, and at the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership, University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business. He also serves as a member of the Berlin Institute for Public Theology, the World Economic Forum's 'Expert Network', and the GERIS (Global Exchange on Religion in Society) of the European Union, as well as the G20's anti-racism policy task team for the IF20.
He was formerly the Dean of John Wesley College, the seminary of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.
SUN MediaHis most recent books are entitled 'The (im)possibility of forgiveness? An empirical intercultural reading of Matthew 18.15-35' (Wipf & Stock, 2019), 'African Public Theology' (Langham, 2020), 'Reconcilliation, Forgiveness and Violence in Africa' (SUN Media, 2020), 'Freedom of Religion at Stake' (Wipf & Stock, 2019), and, Between Capital and Cathedral: Essays on Church and State relationships. (University of South Africa Press, 2013).
You can find a list of Dion Forster's books via this link.
For a list of academic publications (articles and books) please visit the following Academia.edu profile page or my ResearchGate profile page.
For other books and articles please see the following page. A number of Dion's books are available on Amazon.com.
Community interaction:
Dion is the former international chairman for a global anti-corruption campaign, EXPOSED - Shine a light on corruption.
EXPOSED is a global campaign initiated by the World Evangelical Alliance, Unashamedly Ethical, the International Bible Societies, Micah Challenge and the Salvation Army. Please join us in making a stand on poverty and corruption - you can get information on EXPOSED here.
Personal information:
Dion is married to Megan and they have two wonderful children (Courtney and Liam). They live in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and in Somerset West in Cape Town (South Africa).
He holds two doctorates. A Doctorate in Theology and Science (Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, and African Theology, D.Th) which was completed at the University of South Africa in 2006. And a second Doctorate in New Testament and Empirical Theology (Ph.D) (which focussed on the politics of forgiveness in South Africa as a hermeneutic concept) which was completed at Radboud University in Holland in 2017. He also holds graduate qualifications from Rhodes University (BTh.Hons, M.Th) and the University of Stellenbosch Business School. He has published numerous books and academic articles (click here to read more, or please visit the following Academia.edu profile page).
Dion is an ordained Minister (Elder / Presbyter) of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, and was previously the Dean of the Seminary of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, John Wesley College, Kilnerton.
Over the years he has taught Systematic Theology, Ethics, New Testament and Greek. He served as a lecturer in Systematic Theology and Ethics at the University of South Africa, and in the Department of New Testament at the University of Pretoria. He currently teaches Systematic Theology and Ethics in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University - teaching both undergraduate courses and supervising Masters and PhD students. He also serves as the Director of the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology at the University of Stellenbosch.
Dion preaches and speaks regularly in Churches and conferences across South Africa, Africa, and the rest of the world - you can stay up to date with his whereabouts on twitter @digitaldion and on Facebook. You can also see Dion's YouTube channel 'It's not a lecture... just a thought...' here.
As a 'public theologian', Dion seeks to facilitate reflection, learning and interaction between the various 'publics' of society - particularly the publics of the academy, the Church and society at large. He specialises in theological ethics, political ethics, economic ethics, Methodist and Wesley Theologies and ethics, African theologies and science and religion.
He is an avid mountainbiker and runner.
- For my blog please visit http://www.dionforster.com
- To follow me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/digitaldion
- Aacdemia.edu Academia.edu
- Youtube at http://www.youtube.com/dionforster